Chaolf is coming. 

Birds will stop singing 

falling over the highway 

selfish humans driving 

taking everything out of their way 

selfish human kind 

they won't even mind  

birds are unsafe 

they're about to die 

we've destroyed everything they had in life 

the clouds, the trees, the wind,  

their games, their gang,  

their joy to fly,  

nothing matters, 

selfish human kind.   

So if we're never going to learn,  

they can send a little help.   

As the world burns,  

as they look over the wasteland  

everything has turned,  

they'll destroy it all 

but that's what we deserve,  

that's what we want

or did we ever care?  

we embraced chaos so much 

that we fell into it, we let it win,  

we, shameful, ruthless, selfish human beings.   

On the last day,  

when the sirens of the end sing, 

when the church bells ring,  

are you coming for salvation?  

wait, do you believe in him?  

"he's the owner of the nations",  

but in his name many people were killed,  

innocent lives,  

as a child who gets raped by a priest 

and never gets to understand why,  

cause it simply ruined all of his life,  

but nothing matters, 

nothing matters,  

you're safe if you believe in him,  

useless human kind 

hurt by fire arrows,  

poor wasted kind rotten from within.   

We were never meant to learn,  

Stupid humans, now we have to accept our fate. 

As the world burns 

the skin won't stand the heat 

It's coming for you and me,  


everything hurts,  

some people keep running,  

but where?  

will they find another earth?  

everyone is waiting, 

scared of dying, 

waiting for the fire,  

my dear, we will disappear, 

with everything we admired.   

Days before 

there was a chance 

to redeem ourselves,  

love was sent, 

love was always there 

in the most unexpected ways,  

but did they ever notice?  

did you ever notice?  

did I ever notice?  


we never noticed 


in order to keep the balance,  

chaos was sent to earth,  

touched the ground, 

felt embarrassed  

of this kind believing in heaven and hell.   

Before the world's end  

we had a chance  

but we did it the worse we could 

and let go of the darkest side of our souls,  


love was never enough  

what a pity, 

another wasted world. 

A wolf made out of chaos,  

a unicorn made out of love,  

they will still exist,  


veni, vidi, vici,  

this time chaos won 

the end of this world was easy,  

heading on to the next one, 

where love is not enough.   

But is it? Is it unicorn of love? 

the darkness kept asking  

while it was sending its pair 

to balance this world,  

darkness and chaos in some sort of wolf, 

but little did it know,  

they would receive it with a bow,  

humans blind for power with their self-inflated ego, 

they saw in chaos an opportunity  

and they clinged to,  

now you will have the world 

you wanted to live into,  

dark as the space,  

without birds singing 

or shitting all over your face, 

we have to accept our fate, 

my dear, earth was never a place we deserved.   

6:57 p.m. 




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